Balph’s Journey

Another update… my mouth is extremely dry. It’s like I’m producing 30% of the saliva I used to. Probably related to the dry lips. It’s getting hard to swallow at this point. If my dopamine receptors are screwed, then I don’t know what I can do. I’ll just keep holding out hope that things will get better

Absolutely. My lips started peeling and deflating right away and I still have the same sores on my arm and broken capillaries on my face that appeared days after my crash thirteen months ago.

Hey all,

Just an update on my situation.

It appears the I got hit by two rapid crashes from the Olanzapine. My baseline is now much worse. On top of the existing symptoms I now have full on wastage occurring, which started with my lips and is now moving on to other areas. I have a constant burning in my genitals now, a constant phantom ammonia smell, diarrhoea, cannot sweat, zero body odour, extreme anxiety, complete insomnia and depression. I also can’t exercise at all as raising androgens now causes small and big lesions to form on my body (they haven’t healed yet). I believe it is all downhill for me from here.

Let my story be a lesson to never go to the emergency department when you first experience your PFS crash. Maybe sticky that on the front page of this forum. At the time of my crash, I did not understand that after the initial crash, other pharmaceuticals can make you much worse. If there was a “Do not take any pharmaceutical drug (include a list) after crashing”, that would have saved me. It could save another if we do this.

I don’t believe I will be able to work in my current state. I am too broken an unstable mentally. The constant pains and sensations in my body are a reminder that I am losing muscle, bone and collagen. I am looking into options but I think I will have to live under the care of my mother. I’m not giving up though. All my hope is in the research. I will update you all with my situation at a later date.

Sorry the news couldn’t be better.

Really sorry to hear this mate that sounds awful. It’s still early days from your crash so don’t give up hope of improving your baseline.

Does your mum know about PFS btw? Honestly wtf are doctors thinking doling out heavy duty antipsychotics for insomnia. Such gross negligence.

Thanks Inf.

I know right. I blame myself for not refusing them, but they were forced on me and all I asked was “is it an SSRI?”. I knew to avoid SSRI’s and accutane but wasn’t aware of other drugs doing this. Still, it was my mistake, which I deeply regret.

I am holding out hope, but honestly I don’t have much. From what I‘ve learned, the mild and stable PFS cases are those that only crash once. My onset looks very similar to our friends @mstone and @LazarusRy. I have accepted that my life may be completely different now and am putting in the actions to adjust.


Hi all,

With each day that passes it becomes increasingly apparent that my life has been changed forever. My second crash has brought in an onslaught of new debilitating symptoms, including:

  • Bone, teeth, jaw pain
  • Painful throbbing feet and hands
  • Burning genitals
  • Frequent urination
  • Muscle atrophy
  • Loss of sebum
  • No body odour or blood pump
  • Micro cuts on skin
  • Red marks on skin
  • Changes to smell (things smell “chemically” now)
  • Insomnia
  • Complete anhedonia
  • Extreme brain fog (sometimes feels like a balloon is inflated in my skull)

Due to my condition I have been mostly bedridden the last week whilst being on heavy pain medication. I pray that I may experience a reprieve in my condition, but I think I am too far gone. This seems progressive now. I am currently fasting 23 hours of the day in order to give my body some fighting chance, but deep down I know my attempts are in vain.

Thanks for reading and please pray for me.

I’m sorry your going through this and pretty sure everyone has been in your situation. I had many of the symptoms you have and most of the physical ones have improved especially the symptoms relating the pains in your manhood and frequent urination. This was my first bad symtpkm and pain mostly subsided after 6 months. I would say refrain from masturbation.

Diet try and keep to carnivore to low inflammation. Meat eggs etc.

Please take supplements and melatonin for sleep if u get any less than 8 hours sleep you will not heal.

1 year in my main symptoms now is tinnitus and headaches. I’m hoping this is all muscle related and will being trying botox injection to reduce pain and tmj. If this works I will be sure to lyk.

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For brainfog I found most helpful was getting a full night’s rest with actual deep sleep. Going to a chiropractor and reducing the tension in my neck from anxiety and carnivore diet.

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For muscle atrophy u gotta just keep going gym and taking supplements like creatine and lcarnitine tartrate. Will at least stop it getting worse.

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Thanks Dead, I appreciate the replies.

My problem, however, is that my body doesn’t seem to respond to androgens anymore. When I was a mild case (before the Olanzapine crash), I could still workout and get a blood pump and still had body odour. Now, I have none of that. My right bicep has already atrophied 1cm from my elbow and my jaw is receding. I have no idea how to restore the function of my androgen receptors. From all anecdotes, once you get to this point you are pretty much screwed. I’d love for someone to provide evidence to the contrary. That’s why I’m sticking to carnivore OMAD, as a last Hail Mary.

L carnitine tartrate and creatine will increase 5ar in the body. And so will gym. Maybe u are too far gone however the only way your going to rebuild that muscle, even just a little bit, is going to the gym. If u have to start on really low weights and work your way up. Gym will help pass the time as well

For me in the beginning I could only do a set and then would be bed ridden for days afterwards. Eventually with those supplements and glutamine and amino acids + going gym I was able to rebuild muscle.