Aroused through porn?

Please don’t make posts like this. There are many people with PFS who have solely neurological symptoms, with their sexual function unaffected. You speak of derealisation so severe you cannot drive; if a person has only that symptom but can get an erection, should we be asking them “what are you doing here”? I believe @Mcbbould is one such member who has severe neurological problems but none sexual.

I don’t think you made your post with malice by the way but we must all remember that PFS has a broad range of varying symptoms between patients and within those patients, severity will also vary.


Did you see the emoticon? I was obviously joking.

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We shouldn’t make jokes about this guys, some people are being hit harder then others. But still everyone has symptoms and just isn’t himself anymore, no need to compare who’s life is harder. Compared to what we used to be all of our lives sucks.

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Fatt i cazz tuj, oi cujjun!

It sounds like youve been masturbating too much. I dont get erect unless i fondle myself for minutes on end, and even then its not a rock hard erection. Just a softie that is absolutely flaccid by the tip.

I can get aroused with porn only. I also can have massive orgasms but the fullness is not there. I experience more anxiety and brain fog for a couple of days after. Only doing this once a week…

I can get hard watching porn but this wasn’t the case 1 year ago I needed to stimulate my sorry erection. I came a long way October was very good month. I had 2 weeks of feeling very good all the time thinking about women got me hard.

I wish sleep would improve and stay improved. I can sleep 6-7 hours at night consistently and 8-9 very rearly.

How do you get massive orgasms with PFS? This is interesting, it happened to me to once or twice. But the ejaculations were always weak…

@th0r_nike You can get hard by just thinking about woman? Im a very mild case and i don’t even be able to do that mos of the time… this is strange. How bad is your pfs in general?

Guarda, si capisce che volevi scherzare e a quanto pare il ragazzo non sta troppo male, ma qua ci stanno delle persone che hanno dei sintomi neurologici proprio da paura. Il mio cervello non funziona come prima. Non posso uscire di casa. Quindi capisco pure il punto di vista della persona che ti ha detto di non fare certi scherzi in certi contesti.

I have sexual, physical and neurological sides. My short term memory is gone. I know what you mean. Va fatt na supp i latt, oi cunno.

Recently I had some great ejaculations but literally zero feeling at the same time. Big load with force but just no feeling.

Other times it’s the opposite, small weak load but decent or even good feeling. It’s all total bullshit.

Allora semu più o meno sulla stessa barca. Cerchiamo di nun sccassarci a minkia l’uno all’altro che non serve proprio a nente de nente.

Ragazzi, ma quanti italiani siamo?!
Se ci riunissimo e cercassimo di ottenere più riconoscimento del problema?

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Oh! It is exactly the same for me. Sometimes i wait like 2 weeks and no pleasure with better semen volume… what the hell…

You’re probably aware but if you’re not, we do have a dedicated space for Italian speakers. This is one thread from there which may be of interest

in the beginning I couldn’t get hard by thinking about women. I had to watch porn and use my hand to get hard and it was lot of work. it started slowly I could get hard by thinking about woman once in 2-3 months than it increased it was happening more and more. now I don’t need porn to get hard I think about women and most of the time I get hard.

my PFS was low libido didn’t care about women and watery seamen the seamen got resolved recently about 3 months now. it resolved slowly some days it was normal looking and some watery. and sleep was very hard. 4-5 hour sleep. it is being resolved I sleep 7+ hours, today I slept 8 hours.

I had anxiety and PFS got read my anxiety and I feel now anxiety is coming back. I had aggression that I really liked it is hard to describe but not only aggression but confidence that I had was really good feeling. its is replaced with libido and anxiety, like my pre PFS state. I know once I get better I will take care of my anxiety.

Oh! It is exactly the same for me. Sometimes i wait like 2 weeks and no pleasure with better semen volume… what the hell…

this is how I felt, workout and you will recover. do you feel upward trend in your recovery? even if its little do you feel better now than 5 month ago? if yes I don’t have drought in my mind that you’ll recover.

I had times lot of time when I felt I was not going anywhere, like imagining my recoveries, its hard but you’ll get better. stay strong and optimistic.

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I kinda relate to this. My ejaculations are as good as ever, but my orgasms have no feeling at all. A couple weeks ago I did have a normal orgasm and I was like “damn, is that what it’s supposed to feel like?”

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