Alright so as some of you may know, I never took fin/prop/accutane or ssri. About 2.5 years ago I was working my first job at 21 years old on a construction site. I decided to go on a caloric restricted diet to get lean for the summer. It ended up being an obsession and lasted for 6 months until I realized what happened to my body.
I ended up with no morning/spontaneous erections, numb/ rubber like unresponsive penis, cold tip, lack of sweat and body odor and dry tired eyes, I also have low semen volume and force. No pleasure in orgasm as well. Abnormal blood tests…
billirubin 21.1 (3.0-20.0) HIGH
glucose 4.1 (4.2-6.0) LOW
uric acid 507 (182-403) HIGH
cholesteral 7.1 (0.00-5.1) HIGH
ldl 4.90 (<3.00) HIGH
alt 62 (12-48) HIGH
ggt 78 (11-55) HIGH
shbg 19 (18-54) LOW?
e2 11.9 (11.5-47) LOW?
prolactin 285 (86-324) HIGH?
dhea-s 12.51 (4.34-12.2) HIGH?
dht 220 (300-850) LOW