Any hope for baylor research this month?

you are now putting words in my mouth.

if this is a race, and you and axo are racing to the end which is basically finding a solution to our problem, im putting my money on axo.

thats what im saying. im not talking about him being a scientist, im not saying he has a degree or anything.

all im saying is axo is resourceful and has good understanding.

you on the other hand seem to be very talented at bitching

Let me ask you: Have you set up a monthly donation schedule to the foundation?

no offence my friend but i think your missing the point of what lakehouse is trying to say here. hes not saying axo is a god but hes saying he can lead our fight and take it the the professionals

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As I said, and as axo would readily admit, its the job of the board/ceo of the foundation to take it to the professionals.

isnt axo the one who has met up with scientists in the past, from my understanding?

And if more and more people think like you we will have a problem. These community initiatives are not meant to replace the need for funding to the foundation. Are you contributing to the foundation?

are you that insecure that you have to THOUGHT police now?

no im not contributing to the foundation

is there any actual way we can see how much funding has been given etc . would be nice to see whats been contributed so far and have future donation goals imo

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Why not? Anyway maybe try to get moving on that front instead.

You can think what you want, and I can think what I want. Simple really.

If the race to the end is being driven by only pvdl or Axo then we are all screwed :grinning:

As for Crispr technologies coming to the rescue in the next 3-5 years unless we want are genes sliced in two with steak knives it’s going to be a lot longer. The inventor of Crispr recently quoted 10 years as a best case scenario.

We all need to be doing a lot more and have an opportunity to get a documentary on PFS for Netflix. I have begged the film maker to help us but need others to message him.

Instead we are going around in Baylor circles again when we could be making something happen. Nobody here can change Baylor it’s done.

Time to pick up our jackets and make new goal posts somewhere else.

@Sibelio post is the only fresh idea here let’s move this to a new thread and shut down this one.

come on guys its pointless arguments here . need to stay together

I am not in a race with anybody. I am a regular sufferer donating to the foundation. I am not trying to be the messiah.

Exactly. We need professionals working on this.

Anyway guys forget it. I am out of here.

how can i contact this guy?

i don’t feel the need to donate to the foundation.

try to tone down your insecurities. you are literally do nothing but make this place a toxic waste dump.

1 compliment to axo and awor you went off the rails

here’s the thing.

we need BIG FUNDING.

how are we going to do that? by getting people to pitch in 100 bucks a month? is that a realistic way to get access to our solutions?

my point is the mods here are attacking that angle. the other guy is not.

1 is a doer, the other guy is a talker.

I’d like to propose a temporary ban on any thread involving the word Baylor until the studies are published! Can I get anybody to second that?

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@Pvdl, I haven’t requested or spent a penny of your or anyone’s money. We continue to spend ours on hosting your rude posts.

I provided the link above to donate to the foundation, which awor established. I am astonished by the condescending way you are talking about me. You are increasingly arrogant as to your presumed knowledge, which is precisely zero, about anything going on behind the scenes or between the hours you drop by to reduce everyone’s mood with negativity and pessimism. I can barely think of someone less useful to this issue than you, and the way you choose to behave. You’re repeatedly - over months now - “muddying the water” by coming to a conclusion, which is usually completely inaccurate, and then vehemently arguing about it while usually condescending to and insulting others.


@Frustrated - I agree. The repeated topics about baylor are a magnet for frustration, poorly considered ideas on how to spend money, or completely false assertions. There’s plenty more we need to be doing in the meantime.

The answer is no, it’s highly unlikely this month will see the gene expression analysis publish.