Any advice? I'm lost

what problems?

high AST-GOT, (290 U/L when it should not be higher than 40)
high ALT-GPT (95 U/L when it should not be higher than 40)
high LDH (715 U/L when it should be between 230-460)

My urologist told me that these values where related to problems with the liver, and he told me to see an internal medicine doctor, who i’m visiting next week.

But i don’t really know how to improve these values.

Ehh, what are you doing about these liver issues?

I did a new test and was ok.

That’s strange, but very good obviously!

ehh, this happened to me. My liver results were super out of range once then came down to normal in the next test. Did your doctor say what might have caused this?

The last days i’ve had the worst panic attacks, so i decided to take Klonopin (which before my crash used to be very powerful for me). I’ve tried it two times in the last days, and for some reason, i’ve felt absolutely no effect, apart from ache in the penis.

ehh dose your dr recommend you any MRI or CT scan?
did you talk to him about calcification like what treatment can help to reduce it?
have you got any blood test?

I only took propecia for 30 days. Only 30 days. It’s been many months since i stopped, and i’m worse than ever. I don’t know what i’ve become. I just started university and many people who i haven’t seen during the summer tell me that i have changed a lot. I have a lot of muscle wastage, my ribs are clearly noticeable, and my face looks horrible, my skin is rubbery. Mentally i feel like an idiot, i used to be talkative, and now i just don’t feel the connexion with people, and all i can say are short sentences. I’m not able to follow my university classes. My vision is bad, ed pills stopped working, my penis is shrunken. I don’t even care now about hair loss, but it extremly increased after taking the drug. I’ve lost EVERYTHING. My hair loss wasn’t even important before propecia, i just went to a dermatologist and told him: “I’ve noticed that i’ve been losing hair during the last months”, and he said: “oh, don’t worry, i’ve got good news for you: hair loss nowadays has a solution”, and he gave me the pill. “And what about side effects?”. “It has few side effects, and in case you experience it, they will disappear after stopping taking the pill”.
So now that i’ve lost everything, and i know i won’t improve my condition just with a healthy lifestyle, i have to try a treatment. I have bloodworks, and everything is between the limits. I have an MRI, also fine. No doctor is going to help me. So i will appreciate any advice about a strong treatment which i could start on my own.

this is the real tragedy, i was mislead too about this last sentence.
unfortunately there are no answers, no treatments

time is the best healer but for a certain degree
however it depends

u can try some standard protocols but nothing is sure

Although a few people seem to get better with time, this doesn’t happen to many other people. I took even fewer pills than you and started a long downhill trend immediately after stopping fin. A year off, I was at my worst. When I realized that my life was destroyed, I realized that I had to start treating some of the several hormonal imbalances caused by propecia.

Yes, same thing here. All these sides got fixed by boosting pregnenolone, progesterone, cortisol, and T4 to the top of their ranges.

That sounds reasonable. But I’d like to suggest you to avoid simple boosts in androgen levels–they almost never work. Fix the other imbalances (adrenal, thyroid) first.

I would say start vid D3 and Magnesium so that at lease you can slow down muscle loss and bone loss.

It’s really a shame that the doctors don’t know how much harm Finasteride can do to people. It really is a tragedy.

With all the videos, the research, the law firm commercials etc etc i would of thought doctors would be against finasteride more.

You do hear guys on hair loss forums saying they met a doctor that will not prescribe finasteride. They just aren’t going out there way to raise awareness of the dangers.

Given my situation, i have to do something. I’ve tried the natural approach, but i would say i’m worse than ever. My free test levels now are 14.23 pg/mL (9.0 - 42.5 pg/mL). My endo says with free testosterone in range, i should be fine. I don’t know what to do to convince a doctor to start with TRT. Any ideas?


I’ll ask for clomid, but maybe i have to try a new doctor. Also i could try to start clomid on my own…but i don’t even know what would be a correct dosage for me.

a brotherly advice !
before doing clomid do a search here and see how many males have done this and what result they got.

I’m thinking of visiting Dr. Hertoghe in Brussels. I don’t know if he can help me, but i have to start trying something. Any feedback known apart from “to.robin”'s story?
I’ve phoned his office for a first consultation with a doctor of his team in December.

Apart from Hertoghe does anyone know any endo in Europe familiar with PFS?