
You mentioned your week of water fasting in February. Do you think it may have something to do with it, or maybe another thing you did? Or do you believe it’s only time that healed your mental sides?

I dont think it was the water fast, I did not notice any mental benefits from the last water fast I did.

It may be becuase I’ve been taking amino acids for the last few months. But I cant say for sure if thats the reason.

How bad were your mental sides? Is there something you did that knocked it back into place or was it the usual rollercoaster gradual thing?

And congrats.

Which amino’s mark? Bcaa? I have heard they are good for the brain. I use two scoops before and after training, seems to help.

I think the first water fast I did plus time helped my mental sides.

The worst mental side I had was that I couldn’t feel any emotion and also brain fog.

Most of the mental sides cleared up within 6 months of me coming off fin but my emotions only came back last year and now I’m able to enjoy alcohol.

Mentally i have recoved but I’m still suffering from the physical and sexual sides effects. If I could recover physically I could get on with my life.

This is the one I’m using. I take 9 tablets a day 3 in morning 3 in the middle of the day and 3 at night. … d=77&cid=2

I dont think it was the water fast, I did not notice any mental benefits from the last water fast I did.

It may be becuase I’ve been taking amino acids for the last few months. But I cant say for sure if thats the reason.
Which amino’s mark? Bcaa? I have heard they are good for the brain. I use two scoops before and after training, seems to help.
This is the one I’m using. I take 9 tablets a day 3 in morning 3 in the middle of the day and 3 at night. … d=77&cid=2
I might give them a try. Are you using any test boosting herbs? you should have a look at these. I have ordered them and will start a cycle soon, I’m hoping it might help.

Which amino’s mark? Bcaa? I have heard they are good for the brain. I use two scoops before and after training, seems to help.
This is the one I’m using. I take 9 tablets a day 3 in morning 3 in the middle of the day and 3 at night. … d=77&cid=2
I might give them a try. Are you using any test boosting herbs? you should have a look at these. I have ordered them and will start a cycle soon, I’m hoping it might help.
No I’m not taking any test boosters at the moment. My doc said my T is “twice the normal range” but I had a TRT injection 2 months before having this test.

Yeah for some reason the mental side-effects have reduced for me over the past year, despite no improvements in libido. It’s strange how they’re not in sync how you’d imagine.

I drank heavily last night and got a decent buzz and anxiolytic effect like I used to. This is a stark contrast to a year ago where I could get hammered and all that would change would be reduced co-ordination.

Anyway, that study that discussed finasterides effect on alcohol consumption speculated the non-existant allopreganolone levels being the main cause. I’d imagine what has changed is these levels are now closer to being healthy again, since 5-AR is no longer inhibited and is able to synthesize neurosteroids again. Unfortunately I can’t say I’ve noticed any increased libido after consumption though.

I got drunk for the first time in two years a few nights ago. I felt good while intoxicated, but I feel like it definitely set me back recovery wise. Depression, suicidal thoughts, mental sides, and especially Tinnitus are all worse since I got drunk. My tinnitus literally turned up a notch. Any ideas why; I thought people got better from Alcohol! I can’t even enjoy one night without significant consequences.

People don’t get better from alcohol, despite what one or two posters might be shouting.

I myself feel an increased libido the next day, and also improved erections and loads. Sometimes my erections seem back to normal strength and size wise for brief periods. I definitely have more of an urge to masturbate though still nothing like a normal libido. However, my hangovers are worse and whereas they used to be gone by afternoon they now last all day (even after a full night’s sleep) and intensify my cognitive side effects like memory and coherent thoughts.

I want to bring up an important point about Irwig’s alcohol study. When he carried out the study a few years ago now, which I took part in, the prevailing view on here was that booze fucked you up, lowered your testosterone etc and was definitely not something you should be overindulging in or even touching at all. I believe this is the reason why there were men reporting that they drank less rather than some direct method of action of having taken the drug, and I don’t believe his findings were of much relevance in this instance.

Unless I get some kind of serious upswing in the near future, I’m staying FAR away from alcohol.

Atleast if your able to get drunk once in a while you can forget about PFS.

Has your sleep improved Mark? Sleeping better may improve the effects of alcohol a bit.

Not really. Sometimes its good but most of the time I cant sleep properly.

I drank the other night and felt great!! Caught a nice buzz and was in bed by 1030…lol…

I have a little experience with this area. Early in my recovery I had no interest in alcohol, i even quit for 6 months.
When I started drinking again, vodka, it seemed to be the only thing to cheer me up.
And now, on year 5 of my recovery, and going through a divorce, after having a few drinks I tend to get emotional and cry about my divorce. Living alone doesn’t help. But I rarely drink as a result of this potential situation.

Two things:

  1. Alcohol can increase levels of Allopregnanolone as evidenced in a study on rats. Propecia reduces levels of Allopregnanolone.
    Lack of Allo is directly related to depression

  2. Alcohol causes increased oxidative stress.
    This is related to cognitive issues and brain fog

If you want to drink, take NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) on the same evening before bedtime. This will nearly eliminate your hangover as a result of reducing oxidative stress. Even if you don’t have PFS, this works to counter the oxidative damage to cells by alc.

Do your own searching to confirm, but this is what I found to be true for me.

read this
very important!

Liquor has various consequences for wellbeing. Momentary impacts of liquor utilization incorporate inebriation and drying out. Long haul impacts of liquor utilization incorporate changes in the digestion of the liver and mind and liquor abuse.