I have this rational and although it might be wrong, that’s what I believe in:
Most drugs do dose dependent damage to a specific organ or set of organs. The liver is the most common target of drug induced damage.
In our case, pfs does not seem to be systematically dose dependent, some took only one pill and crashed right away, others like me took it for 20 years and a great number seem to not ever develop symptoms; and it does not seem to do damage to a specific organ or set of organs, it varies from cases to cases. To me, it looks like it’s not so much the drug itself but how our body reacts to it.
Than some of us get 2-4 weeks of no symptoms before crashing. Again, this is not dose dependent as the dose is now zero, but it rather seems to be how the body reacts to the changes, in the absence of 5-alpha reductase.
One more point, we all have different symptoms, most within a common range of symptoms and some more rare or unique. This also points out to our individual make up and the specific modifications the body chooses to do in absence of 5-alpha reductase.
Last point, we’re not all here for the same drug. Some are even here for doing overly drastic lifestyle changes, not for taking a drug. We all have most of our symptoms within a common range of symptoms although it varies somewhat depending on what brought us here.
In my opinion, it all points out to something our body has done to itself: Epigenetics fits the description.
Although there are outside causes that provoke the body, it’s the body that alters it’s epigenetic status, and it can reverse it. I believe this and some scientists do too, hence the articles I posted on this thread.
Sirtuin proteins seems to be the key and, erreta: they do not demehylate genes but they seem to repair DNA and epigenetic damage (likedoing histone de-acetylation) and seem to act in consort with the demethylation enzyme that takes out the gene suppressing methyl groups, when the body considers it should no longer be suppressed (aka by comparing to our original genome).
BHB, Butyrate, diets and pro-biotics that produce butyrate composites, fasting, out of breath exercise, weight lifting, cold shower and hot saunas are believed, again according to the posted researches, to increase and activate sirtuin proteins.
So that’s my understanding and rational of the group of diseases we are suffering from. It may not be complete or even correct, but it’s what I base my approach on. So far so good for me and I know others who have had success using their own version of a similar process.
It’s not important for me to change people’s mind. As a matter of fact, I believe it’s every individual’s choice to change whatever he wants in his mind. But it’s important to me to share my experience, experiments and results so that people can use them as extra elements to make an educated choice on what path they will choose. It is a serious, life altering disease after all.
I wish you all the best !