About ketogenesis and fat adaptation

My source is indeed the documentary. In this documentary, among other things, Dr. Neal Barnard an expert in the field of diabetes explains that animal fats are the main problem for diabetis. It’s to complex for me to summarize his words in Englisch. He wrote a book how to reverse diabetis by a vegetarian lifestyle.

Also it’s not a secret that meat is full of saturated fat, a huge source for maintaining diabetis. Besides that, meat is full of toxines which give you within minutes after eating inflammation which peralize your arteries.

Ah ! Ideas and concept. If our ideas are in harmony with reality, we call it knowledge, if the concepts are not in harmony with reality, we call it misinformation or dillusion.

According to the ideas and concept in my mind, human fat (which is animal saturated fat) is very bad for diabetes. I would agree that a vegetarian diet can help diabetic people, if they don’t eat bananas, orange juice and sugar all the time. The rest of what you’re saying goes against all I’ve read on diabetes, inflammation and cholesterol in arteries.
However, I read somewhere that 99.5% of pesticides we eat in plant food comes from the plant themselves, as they cannot run away from predators. Chemicals are their only defense. A small percentage of those pesticides were studied and about half can give people cancer (in high concentration).

Some of what you’re saying is beyond my comprehension at the moment, however, I should point out that Inuits (Esquimos) who eat only meat don’t develop diabetes type II. They have impaired glucose tolerance though, which is understandable if they didn’t have any for many generations, and if given sugar they may (or may not) develop diabetes. It appears mixing carbs, protein and fat is a bad idea, especially carbs and fat.
I don’t believe saturated fat is bad if taken without carbs nor do I believe meat is full of toxins (or have more toxins than plants).
The human body is made of meat and saturated fat. When we fast, we “eat” some of that fat and meat. Are we toxic as well ? Will fat burning from fasting develop diabetes ?
With all due respect, I think your statement is taken out of context and if I looked at the source material I could understand more how this doctor can be a diabetes expert without saying the opposite of all other diabetes experts.

However, I’m not diabetic. I have pfs. The diet and lifestyle I follow did make 90% of the neurological symptoms disappear in a week and I believe this is due to the elimination of carbs and allergens in plants, not the meat and animal fat. Physical symptoms went away in the next few months and I believe this is due to the diet (and nothing else, before I was too weak to do exercise). After that I started doing exercise and kept the diet plus taking supplements, the sexual symptoms slowly went away, 9-12 months after the beginning of the diet.

I eat 100-150 gr of saturated fat a day, 300-500 gr of meat a day, some leafy greens and less than 20 gr of carbs (in the form of rolled oat) just before bed.
My blood sugar is lower than before (I had it tested three times), I stopped having hypoglycemia a week in the diet and my HDL/LDL ratio is 2 (healthy is 1-4, dangerous is above 4) so cholesterol and heart attacks are not a problem, nor is diabetes.
I’m happy with the results of my diet and lifestyle as a way to alleviate the symptoms of pfs.

I will check the studies of Dr. Neal Barnard as I’m always open to new information and knowledge but I will not change my diet and lifestyle as for now it’s working for me. I can be wrong for the rest of my conclusions but the truth is, I’m not so interested in understanding why this is worked for me. I just know it did.


I think it is okay if we use diets like keto for healing. I know that healing is a holistic thing of mind body and spirit. Healing is not the same as a cure. We may not have a cure for PFS in our lifetimes, but we can work at our own healing, and so I understand why @Ozeph is so gung ho for the diet and lifestyle plan he is saying works for him.

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I have this rational and although it might be wrong, that’s what I believe in:

Most drugs do dose dependent damage to a specific organ or set of organs. The liver is the most common target of drug induced damage.

In our case, pfs does not seem to be systematically dose dependent, some took only one pill and crashed right away, others like me took it for 20 years and a great number seem to not ever develop symptoms; and it does not seem to do damage to a specific organ or set of organs, it varies from cases to cases. To me, it looks like it’s not so much the drug itself but how our body reacts to it.

Than some of us get 2-4 weeks of no symptoms before crashing. Again, this is not dose dependent as the dose is now zero, but it rather seems to be how the body reacts to the changes, in the absence of 5-alpha reductase.

One more point, we all have different symptoms, most within a common range of symptoms and some more rare or unique. This also points out to our individual make up and the specific modifications the body chooses to do in absence of 5-alpha reductase.

Last point, we’re not all here for the same drug. Some are even here for doing overly drastic lifestyle changes, not for taking a drug. We all have most of our symptoms within a common range of symptoms although it varies somewhat depending on what brought us here.

In my opinion, it all points out to something our body has done to itself: Epigenetics fits the description.
Although there are outside causes that provoke the body, it’s the body that alters it’s epigenetic status, and it can reverse it. I believe this and some scientists do too, hence the articles I posted on this thread.

Sirtuin proteins seems to be the key and, erreta: they do not demehylate genes but they seem to repair DNA and epigenetic damage (likedoing histone de-acetylation) and seem to act in consort with the demethylation enzyme that takes out the gene suppressing methyl groups, when the body considers it should no longer be suppressed (aka by comparing to our original genome).
BHB, Butyrate, diets and pro-biotics that produce butyrate composites, fasting, out of breath exercise, weight lifting, cold shower and hot saunas are believed, again according to the posted researches, to increase and activate sirtuin proteins.

So that’s my understanding and rational of the group of diseases we are suffering from. It may not be complete or even correct, but it’s what I base my approach on. So far so good for me and I know others who have had success using their own version of a similar process.

It’s not important for me to change people’s mind. As a matter of fact, I believe it’s every individual’s choice to change whatever he wants in his mind. But it’s important to me to share my experience, experiments and results so that people can use them as extra elements to make an educated choice on what path they will choose. It is a serious, life altering disease after all.

I wish you all the best !


Yeah, overdoing it can stress our bodies and make everything worse. And a lot of people nowadays have orthorexia, or BDD, or compulsive exercising. Sometimes it is good just to let the body relax and heal without subjecting it to so much at once.

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Yes. The trick seems to alter from survival acute, short term, stress followed by periods of rest and the appropriate diet.

Keeping the body at peace or under stress for too long both seems to creates damage and shorthen life.

Hi, @Ozeph. What do you take as fat. Any restrictions in products? Thanks

I really like ghee. It’s clarified Indian butter. Smells good, cooks great, has vitamin B and Butyric acid. I eat 100 gr a day (and I’m thin !)

I also cook with tallow (beef fat) and lard.

I avoid all vegetable oil except mct oil from coconut and extra virgin olive oil, both of which I don’t cook with. Just put in coffee or salad with apple cider vinegar.

I hear palm oil can be good too.

Thank you. Have about fruit and nuts?

I don’t eat fruits because of the sugar.

I limit nuts. brazil nuts are good for testosterone.

I was eating almost only beef, ghee and spinach. So it’s easy !

Thank you!

@Ozeph. Do you take any supplements? Thanks

Yes, some amino acids, vitamins and minerals.