A PFS recoveree thinks intense weight lifting plus erotica may help

Yes, moderators, this is legitimate, frank advice.

As I’ve reported several times, I took FIN daily for 15 years and then PFS obliterated my libido AND sexual “plumbing” functioning for 2.5 years beginning Dec 2014.

I somehow naturally became ravenously horny again in early 2017 AND my “sexual plumbing” mysteriously exploded back into normality in June 2017 after watching some online erotica. They both have been completely normal since then.

I now will add that intense weightlifting usually makes me “explosively horny” 24 hours later.

Of course, the common assumption is PFS “breaks” the brain-penis connection permanently. I am just offering my experiences and recommendations and cannot assure you they will be useful or relevant to YOU

PS My pic yesterday - posting solely to encourage YOU that life can be a “reverse fairy tale with a happy ending.”

Mel H., 51yo, Wash DC


Believe me, most of us have tried excercise. Didn’t you recover after Methyl steroids? Either way I’m glad you recovered but I don’t think something as simple as excercise will cure us.


Tired of this myth, I lifted hard every day for months and saw very little to no gains, many here talk nice about sprinting but I just don’t see the results myself. You used methyl steroids fam.


is this different to porn? can you suggest anything?

Nope, he’s talking about porn.

Good to see you’re still around was worried after you stopped posting!

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Have you ever done a blood ivestigation ?
If yes was your testosteron and dht low or high ?
Iv got low levels because of Finasterid, and sport helps me ver well.
I have the Theorie that people that got low levels by finasterid can be cured with Sports and proviron masteron or another dht .

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You also posted earlier that you abstinated from sexual activity altogether for like two years correct?
No porn, no masturbation, no nothing.
Has this caused problems for you like penile/testicular atrophy and stuff like that?
Would you say this abstination contributed to the bodily effect of erotica?
Were you exercising during abstination?