A letter to you, forum

All recoveries you know were within the first 6 months post drug? :frowning:

See posts from @eskimojoe who cites years


I’m aware of a few where it was years. There’s hope that the bodies systems may just click one day

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I recovered sleep, genital size, most brain fog and no fatigue about four years off.

Never got back muscle or sex drive but could wank regularly and pleasurably.

Then fucking ZMA put me back here.

just saw this as got the email notification, first time here in a long time

im 100pc now, totally back to normal and no need for pills anymore, probably took 4/5 years unfortunately

hang in there everyone, try to stay positive and get on with life, focusing on it does not help


So you recovered fully? Were you an extreme case?

yes and yes (was impotent for 2 years)

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Did you have crippling anhedonia, muscle wastage? Things like this?

Thanks for coming back, brother. Did you also experience penile tissue changes and numbing? Sorry for all the questions, you know how it is when you’re in the middle of it. So glad for your recovery!

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I did and I got back to near normal.

Didn’t realise how lucky I was.

Never recovered but never used the gym.

yes to all


@Dubya_B but he says he recovered fully…

You know what. I’m not going to say it’s impossible. Thanks for pointing someone out.

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did you had brain fog and cognitive symptoms?

Did you have pleasureless orgasms?

I had both, which resolved. Those things can definitely resolve. There’s no need to ask EJ about every symptom, the point is he recovered outside of a year.


Hi, Greek. How can I cure pleasureless orgasms?

Give it time. That’s all I did

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I will double on that. I also had both and it resolved itself.

Congratulation @eskimojoe ! You are proof there is hope, that recovery can happen !
Hope saves life here on this forum.

I made a success story compilation and 4-6 years recovery time seems to be common, although there are reported recoveries at 10 years + on that thread.

I’m at 4 years, I’m on the longest business trip I made since I had PFS and so far no signs of the disease except I’m still addicted to my sleeping pills. I got 3 instances of natural sleep during naps and that’s a first in 4 years. I just couldn’t have any natural sleep before.

My suggestion to anyone, avoid sleeping meds if you can. I took them because I was disabled and couldn’t work if I didn’t take any and now I’m addicted.

That’s the right attitude to have ! Thank you for your message of hope. It’s inspiring.