85% healed exactly seven years after CRASH!šŸ˜±

Iā€™m a 53yo lawyer in Denver, took Fin religiously 1999-2014, preserved hair but in 2014 directly/indirectly triggered ā€œdemonically horrificā€ swarm of THIRTEEN maladies - inc. 100% sexual/emotional/sleep dysfunction, body feminization, hallucinations, raccoon eyes, double vision etc. See my prior posts.

I am extremely fortunate I am now 85% permanently healed, only tolerable but vexing sleep dysfunction and ataxia (atypical Fin issue).

Unfortunately I am a medical mystery. Near-starvation possibly resolved many PFS maladies but triggered horrible ataxia, so I donā€™t recommend it except as last resort.

I do advise YOU to ā€œhang in thereā€ as long as possible bc YOU may naturally recover or may learn to endure PFS. As far as I know sleeping pills, anti-depressants, and psychological counseling are only PFS treatments.

PFSFoundation.org reports some similar recoveries:

Q7: Are there any cases of PFS patients whoā€™ve gotten 100% better?

There are no known scientific reports of PFS patients returning to full health. But a handful of PFS patients have reported to us that theyā€™ve felt 80%, 90% or even 99% better over a period of one to five years. Other patients report that they become more stable and learn to better cope with the condition over a period of one to three years, rather than return to full health. Unfortunately, a small minority of patients report increasing severity of symptoms over time, especially with respect to some of the psychological side effects.

Finally, I advise you to sue Merck WITHIN TWO YEARS or your suit will be dismissed as untimely. (I sued in Jan 2021, much too late, unfortunately.) Donā€™t settle for peanuts, as almost all US plaintiffs did.

Good luck,

Mel H.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Took F for 17 yrs - Natural Recovery after stopping