3 months on finasteride

I will give you an strong recommendations
1-Walk a lot 45 minutes to an hour daily.
2-BHB + Butyrate + vitamin C
3-Fish oils once in a while
4-Healty food as possible + Filter water ( Avoid alcohol and Caffeine )
5-Avoid stress as much as possible
6-Be patience


Thank you for recommending these. I am currently doing most. Appreciate your advice

tbh i think they are lying, they are fully aware of the symptoms, 2% side effects is a ridiculous joke

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Hi man,
I will give you another advice.
Stay away from supplements or vitamins, try dry fasting, once a week 24 hour dry fasting, you can go then if you can 36 hors. Healthy food as possible, avoid stress, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs. Do some sports, go to sleep early if you can, try to be more social, meet friends and be possitive. Slowly slowly you should get better. Just beware, be careful with the supplements as they could fuck you up further, so it is better to stay away from them!


Thank you for advice. I have been taking vitamins every day hoping they would help. I will stop them. They don’t help. I do fast from time to time. I have been on keto diet for 8 months and it did help with energy and my skin looks 100% better. Doing cardio/ and lifting weights regular helped to clear some fog. Some days are not great. down days, home days, heavy fog days. focus on reading or movies as diversions. Do quizzes and mental games to exercise brain. It helps. I am not depressed. I just do best I can. I also am not very social at all as I dont hold conversations well anymore. I don’t like being judged. I’m in my 60s now. I don’t work any longer because of PFS. My future plans have changed. I’m trying to make the future easier so I can maintain it

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I am doing dry fasting now, started last week, planning to do it every week, 36 hours of no watter, no food, I can definitely feel the energy when I am doing it, should have done that before, not taking all this crap that messed me up, I am 36 yo and my joints are completely screwed, I am feeling like I am 90 years old, all my fault I guess…

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Not yours or my fault they prescribed us poison as medicine. They made billions off it. We are results that don’t trouble them 1 second.


Almost a normal clear headed day. I am grateful for the good days.


I think variability in condition is probably a good sign.

Hoping for more good days for you.


Thank you Greek. I wish the same for you as well. These “ side effects” certainly have a variety of symptoms, different days of severity and unpredictability in its arsenal. After 2+ years, I don’t see too many days the same and the degrees of how bad it can be changes with the wind. I’m glad others have found some things to do to help. I’m sure, like our own individual chemistry, what may work for one may not work for another. I do agree with @tisho1012 about fasting, tho I cannot go dry or more than 1day, it’s helped me as well. The only things I personally have found to help was keto/paleo diet, and exercise. Treadmill, weightlifting, but in particular, swimming. Something about being submerged is settling /calming and clearing. I don’t know if anyone else has the same results, but anything that eases these symptoms is worth sharing.


After a pretty smooth and joyful holiday week, Rough crash this morning, I actually felt it coming on yesterday after a sleepless night before. Eye and migraine type headache, any sound is offensive, hot then cold, ears ringing loudly, slurred speech, confusion, trouble forming words and sentences, don’t want to try. Overall malaise, sore muscles, nothing comfortable. I hate effecting loved ones around me. Feel like hiding in a closed dark quiet closet until human again. Rest doesn’t help, just trying diversions: movie etc. going to fast today and see if I can get rid of it. Has helped before. Head in my hands on the couch day. Sharing this for others to know your not alone in how you feel. There are good days. But not today.

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Keep going matey. We’ve got better days ahead.

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I just sent my 23 and me sent off. I had to think about it as I’m a very private person, particularly with now living and dealing with my life changing side effects of Finasteride. I was able to “ opt out” of 23 and me being able to use my results for their own resource.

I urge all people affected with these debilitating side effects from these poisons that we took as medicine to get your 23 and me done and results logged to this site.
There are so many people getting prescribed these medications today and tomorrow and we have a opportunity to make a difference.

If WE can save even 1 person from going through what WE are going through, then we go from victim to hero. I can live with that.

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Update: I’m doing really well. I haven’t had a crash in 6 months now. I never thought that would happen. I am guarded, but optimistic and want to share that there is hope for anyone going through this. I have been on keto diet and strong workouts for some time. Cardio clears my head daily. I had severe years. If there is clearing for me, there is hope for everyone. Persevere.


can you update your symptoms list, to let us know what has been resolved (if any) and what symptoms your still dealing with?

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Me to. Fin for preventing benign prostain enlargement. WE both are academics, used to analyzing facts, me to stupid to Check the Internet for the horryble siteeffects. With @JimWildman we are three…

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First, I’d like to tell you how sorry I am for you going through this , you are not alone. . It is a thief of life quality. But not a life sentence. There is hope! I was severely damaged, almost non functional. For 2-3 years. Most days on the couch with my head in my hands, I thought I’d be that way forever and it was horrible. I did a low carb diet, cardio daily ( walking / … swimming laps made me feel normal) good gut health, I ate kim chee. Stay away from vitamins and experimenting. Do mind exercise games online. Be proactive. You may have lost a beautiful girlfriend that couldn’t stand by you during this but you still have the most beautiful girl in the world, that 11yo. You are blessed. Now is a good time toCount those blessings as your rough road will get smoother again. It WILL get better. Now, go be proactive. PFS will not define you. It’s just a shitstorm in life. For now. Happy to answer any questions as did let me know as it changes for you.


If you’re still with us, would you please update us? You and I have similar timelines and symptoms. I’m hoping you’ve had recovery success. Jim

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