Brain fog (damage) thread

I just sent you a PM. Thx.

Today i feel my fog has lifted. Feel like myself for a change. I believe the good days shows me my brain isnt permanently damaged (not yet!). I did work out yesterday and got good sleep last night.

You are not in the same boat as people on this thread then. You are very lucky.

Idk man. I wouldnt say its impossible to have these mental sides bad and experience a good day where u feel good again. And i was convinced yesterday this was permanent and i would never feel “real” again. I surely wasnt up-playing the symptoms. But who knows how ill be tomorrow.

Im not disagreeing. Personally i have yet to experience any sort of “good” day post fin. Its all the same (heavy fog) all the time for me and others i have spoken to.

I did have a few hour relief of brain fog, I felt like a new guy and that things will get better.

I never made the connection with finasteride causing all of my side effects until I talk to someone online who has similar issues with the brain. He says he “recovered” of brain fog in 6 months, but I doubt he really recovered from it 100%.

From what I’ve been told you have a good sign and the fact that you just stopped the drug it means things will get better for you.

At this point however I am not worried about the brain fog too much.

Thanks its encouraging. Whatever happens is going to happen. Cant worry with it

You can read the bible in the mean time until you recover.

It’s very distracting and interesting for you to use as well. When I read it, I am not afraid of anything.

I wish I had done it sooner.

Another way to describe ‘brain fog’:

Like being in a type of permanent comatose state. A coma.

Sleep walking, being awake or conscious, but not even sure, if your really awake or conscious, or alive even.

Having no connectivity to the world, people, objects, things around you at all…

An inability to process what is directly in front of you. The world seems foreign.

Definitely, an altered state of reality and consciousness that is.

An aspect of brain fog in art cinema. A very beautiful clip from a Werner Herzog film “Heart of Glass”

A terribly uncomfortable hypnotic dream state we are stuck in permanently

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It is nothing to do with the brain.You just proved it yourself when you said coffee makes you worse - as it does me, and i have been suffering the fog for around 5 years now.Your liver is not filtering toxins correctly and so your blood is more toxic than it should be.Your brain feels this the most of any organ.

I have had this theory proven to me by a doctor who studied a live sample of my blood under a special microscope and he could see there was alot of junk in it.Sadly for me i have not been able to get my stress levels under control as you enter a loop where once your body becomes hyper sensitive to stress it becomes increasingly hard to de-stress - stress affects the liver negatively just as much as eating poorly or not exercising regularly.

Anyway i describe my own brain fog as ‘constant drunk feeling’

We may have brain fog for varying reasons but I can tell you that mine lasted 11 years and the only thing that helped it was a low carb diet. I then tried 5htp for a month and it completley got rid of it. What happened to me was not a joke and no placebo I was sick for a long time and tried many things none of which worked besides diet. Even with diet it would help but was not a cure. 5htp was a cure. In my opinion for at least some of us serotonin or something that it affects is the reason. I am just waiting for someone on this board to try it so that you guys can believe. It will happen I know it’s just a matter of time.

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started 100 mg 5-HTP daily yesterday. will keep you posted.

Same here.

Very cool if you get sides you may need to drop back down a bit. I started with 25mg and then went up to 50. After about 3 weeks I saw improvement.
Good luck man

Yea, thanks for the suggestion. What kind of sides did you experience?

Weed is the only thing that has brought libido back for me.

Coincidentally marijuana also raises serotonin. … 183937.htm

Nausea some jitteryness.

What does 5htp do? reduce stress?
Anyway guys i am trying a new supplement starting from next week called curcumin extract.Apparently this slows down liver phase one and speeds up liver phase 2 so i believe it is perfect for my personal condition.The variety i am taking is apparently many times more bioavailable than the regular extract you purchase elsewhere.i will keep people updated on my progress i expect to know within 2 1/2 weeks whether the curcumin extract is helping.

5htp increases serotonin in the brain it’s used to treat depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Serotonin has been found to have an effect on T production.