Severe Insomnia

Hello all! I am a 30 year old male (obviously) and I’ve been taking 0.4 mg tamsulosin and 5 mg finasteride for almost a month, for prostatic hyperplasia. For about two weaks now I felt unbearable, having severe insomnia, and even when I sleep it’s as if I hadn’t slept at all. I feelt as if the only thing stopping me from killing myself is my faith. Last night I googled about finasteride, today I googled some more and found out about disruption of REM sleep and also that consequences may be permanent. I threw my medications right away and cursed the day when I started using them. Will I ever sleep (normally) again? Are there any recovery stories?


I realize that you deleted your post. Please know that many people get better when they quit the medication or over a longer time frame. While there is no guarantee for that to happen, it is worth giving time a chance.

I quit Finasteride because of severe depressions with suicidal thoughts (twice) and while some things never became fully normal again after I quit, the severe depression and suicidal thoughts thankfully passed.

Good luck!

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Well, since I am a new guy I’ve moved my post to Member Stories section:

But since I’ve been having mostly neurological problems, I’ll undo my deletion. This post is useful as well, I just don’t know whether it’s allowed.

I quit Finasteride because of severe depressions with suicidal thoughts (twice) and while some things never became fully normal again after I quit, the severe depression and suicidal thoughts thankfully passed.

Glad to hear it.

Thank you!

I did not see the member story when I made my post, I thought you were about to leave. I’ll close this thread as your member story includes more detail.