Tribulus Terrestris gave me full blown PFS

Mine was 95% saponins, I’ve took 2x 600mg

Mine was 350mg x 2. That was recomanded dose by factory

Shit! This means i screwed up too? At this point i have “only” mild prostata pain and shrinkage since this shit

I think tribulus may has a 5ar-i effect. So it can hurt.

If you haven’t brainfog, don’t worry, the sides can improve with time.
Only syntomp never get better is brainfog

In my case, tribulus crashed ER, so my situation is worse but different.

I fortunately dont suffer brain fog this time, rather anxiety due to the prostata pain

Stay calm and relax your mind. You’re just crossing side effects. It will be go soon.

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My name is Andras from Hungary. Whats your name?

Emanuele, from Italy

Emanuele, can you do me a favour please?

Tell me

Can you try the 3 steps above that i wrote you? These are slow and long lasting steps , i’m sure you can recover!

My friend i’ve severe damages in my connective tissues, ligments, joints abd bones. Dry skin will never recover. I lost almost 4cm of penis that can’t come back.

Really sad to hear but i think its worth i try!

Return that Tribulus so you don’t take it again. It could be the calcium in it.

If any of my supplements have a capsule, I’ll pull the capsule apart and take just the powder.

I’ve also had supplements that I would do well with. Then one time I’ll feel terrible. I think it’s parasitic die off.

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I think my hormones are just still too sensitive, i shouldnt mess around that early in pfs yet. Most people suggest that trib might have shot my E2 skyhigh which resulted in shrinkage. Everybody SHOULD AVOID TRIBULUS its fckin dangerous!

UPDATE: its getting more obvious that tribulus rose my T levels which then quickly converted to high E2.
This i can say because along the shrinkage, i have dropped to my metabolism to the fin crash level. Everything i eat just causes my stomach pain and makes me bloated. My stomach also makes weird digestion sounds. All these were gone after my E2 normalized and i went on keto diet, now everything has to start normalize again.

Only positive since a week after trib that i still havent suffered brain fog and insomnia and testicular pain is gone. I dont even feel depression, just anger that i’ve taken trib.
I hope my Estrogen levels come down again along with its symptoms as they did after fin crash

Were you masturbating while taking tribulus?

You are wrong. Your E2 is ok.