Chilean despair

It’s just been 3 weeks of the drug technically, but things are so fucking tough right now and I don’t see any way out of this besides suicide.
I don’t wanna see how my symptoms get worse each day, how I’m a complete shell of what I once was.
I’m so alone and accompained at the same time. Alone in the sense that almost all the interactions that I have with strangers and close ones are damaged by my syndrome, the way I behave has been changed towards the nature of a cockroach and how the constant desinterest towards the things I had strong passion for are gone.

Before all of this, I wasn’t exactly in a good spot either. I knew in 2018 that I was just pure potential and I was thrilled on the mere idea of exploting it. People told me all the time that I was preety sharp, interesting and in some ocassions, good looking. I’ve been dealing with so many bad situations throught my life, most of them due to my own fuck ups and errors, but the idea that I had potential and people told me so kept me afloat.
Now that potential is gone.

I can’t have good and interesting conversations with strangers like I used to. The sense of wonder that I’ve had throught all my life in regards to a whole array of topics is long gone also. The cravings for a good piece of content like a tasty book,movie, series or anime are burrowed way underneath and I don’t have a shovel.
I know that this would be discouraging to a lot of users and probably this will Isolate me even more from this community, It already has in a big way. I’ve Dm’s a lot of people in here just to be rejected.
By playing devils advocate, in the Dm´s I seemed fairly desesperate and not so articulate as I normally am -that probably was a turn off.

Going on with the latter aspect: I’m being severely dependant of my family right now, It’s like if I was transformed into a sick child. This wouldn’t be a problem if I loved my family, but this is not the case.
3 months ago I was hoping and planning a way of achieving my own independence from the pathological crib I was born in. Now I’m crippled in that same crib while rotting away in the process.
I’ve tried contacting some friends, my best friend supports me in all of this in a way, but the antisocial behaviour that I’ve developed throught the years is leading me towards becoming a hermit of some sorts when I’m dealing with my downswings —the same downswings that will keep intensifying as time passes.

In regards of love? I’ve never had a romantic relationship before, at my 19 years of age, not because of involuntary celibate but a voluntary one way before all this happend. I was afraid of intimacy with people, specially with the other sex. Not the type of fear typically is portrayed in the media or in the typical nerdy archeotype. I would get close with a girl, start having feelings for her and viceversa, but when I would perceive that things were getting more and more I would just ran away, metaphorically speaking.
I’ve had so many opportunities to stablish a good relationship with a girl and I ditched most of them because… I’m conflicted on the why of this. I surely had a hatred so deep within myself that I didn’t want for them to get to know my blind spots, also if you count my past history in regards of body image this surely played a role in all of this. Other big aspect was that I was extremely picky; picky not in the sense of being physically superficial, but picky in the sense that I wanted someone who I could trully connect with. Now that little childlish dream that I had? Long gone.

Career wise? I graduated from Highschoolin late 2018 on a nightschool. After I received my diploma, I had plans of studying the next year to get a good Gpa while working on a part time job while simultaneously improving the legitimate mess that I had done. Here we are tho. Crippled with an Unknown medical condition that is damaging my physical, sexual and cognitive health one day at a time.
I passed from being someone who had the capability of being alone with himself and trully enjoy it, someone who had endearing conversations with others, someone who had promised that life was worth living in 2018 to this.

For a fact I’m damaging my enviroment also, being an energy vampire towards everyone who I interact with — something completely different from who I achieved to become in 2018.

I miss being capable of reading books, having long bike rides, having deep conversations with people, playing video games, being flabbergasted by a wondefull piece of film.
I was the interesting underground guy who had some big plans, me and others could see that.
The chances of me getting better in a country like Chile, were supplementation is near impossible seems unlikely and a tourtous process.

This will probably seem out of place. An image comes through my mind while I’m typing this; a comment I did in a youtube video some relatively few months back. This video was an animation called Genius party beyond.
I remember making an interpretation on the meaning of the whole animation in itslef —people loved it.
People told me stuff like teach me to think like you, how did you came up with this and throwing a lot of possitive messages. Not really sure why I remember this so fondly. Probably is the fact that I lost one of the great things about myself which was my cognitivity.

Now I’m just a Chilean dude who has no prospects for the future.

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Thankyou for writing up your story.

You aren’t going to kill yourself and you shouldn’t. At 3 weeks off you have no idea how this will work out for a start.

At a few weeks off, I thought my life might be over too.

You are worried about supplements but I don’t think you should. Not everyone needs supplements to get better. I take nothing and am much better than I was. I don’t even eat very healthily now.

You have to give yourself more time than 3 weeks.

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Thanks for the reply Greek, sorry for busting your balls earlier with my Dm’s.

Greek I’m not sure you understand: I don’t wanna ferment in a sea of misanthropy which I’m diving in currently.
If I do, I’ll probably be a polar opposite of what I once was. This wouldn’t be a problem if I hadn’t acquaired a behavioural trait of being a tyrant towards myself, but this is not the case.

I’ve done a lot of reading in regards of recoveries and there’s one common trait that links each and every one of them —being someone with a meaningful life before finasteride. This is not my case.

As I’ve been Dwindilling with this condition, I’ve becomed severely preocuppied about the existance of hell.
Technically if I choosed to kill myslef, maybe I would get struck with a metaphysical hell were the only thing you experienced are the raw emotions which you exhibited in the moment of your death, hence people who know they did the right thing being metaphysically transported into heaven and “sinners” being transported into hell.

I don’t think you want to kill yourself and I think you know it. That is a good thing.

This is probably going to be the hardest thing you have to deal with, but it is possible to get better. It’s possible to manage your symptoms better. It’s possible to get your life back.

Give yourself some time.

Can I suggest you change the title to “Chilean guy looking for help” so people local to you might be more likely to make contact. I know this is something that that you mentioned in the past.

Hey man,

I’m around the same age as you (I’m 18) and I’ve made some great strides in the past couple of months. I know it’s difficult, but don’t give up.


Wetaka, I could be your father (Im almost 44 y.o.). As Greek already told you, things can get better. Im sure of it. There are people who recovered spontaneosly. You dont know the positive things which may happen in your life!!

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That’s nice to hear. What kind of strides have you done?

I had depression which disappeared after 6 mounths. Now I ve sexual sides…

Take it easy please. You need to give your body some time to try to sort out this mess. Have faith in yourself and your own strength. The change you have experienced is huge, but at your early stage, it can reverse again. You are still young, and the future is yours.

3 weeks off is way, way, way too early into the game to call it quits. Seriously, the first few months are typically the rock bottom worst experience for the vast majority of those stricken with this condition and many gain their health back by giving it time (especially in the first 6 months) to the point where they can lead somewhat normal lives, despite some lingering effects… I personally was in an unreal living hell for the first 3-4 months and was lucky enough to recover naturally to the point where I lead something resembling a normal life for the first 12 years afterward.

The mental/cognitive effects also seem to be the most recoverable aspects, if that is what is troubling you the most.

No need to fret about people claiming full recoveries discussing how awesome their lives were and how awesome of a person they are. There appears to be a theme of self-aggrandizement among those who recover naturally or claim to do so by means that fail to be reproducible when others attempt them. They’re smarter, stronger-willed, better, than those who were unlucky. It’s all rubbish and this condition doesn’t care.

Bottom line, don’t give up at a point in time when you have the greatest chance of gaining much, if not all, of what you have lost.


Tranquilo perro, con el tiempo te acostumbras.

Acostumbrarse a vivir como una cucaracha.

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Hasta que no haya un tratamiento avalado por la mayoría ¿Qué nos queda? ¿Probar mil suplementos diferentes, ir dando tumbos a ver qué funciona? ¿Morirse? Yo asumí la pérdida, aunque algunos días me vuelvo loco de rabia e impotencia y tengo ganas de matar a alguien o matarme yo. Tu solo llevas 3 semanas, todavía existe la posibilidad de que te recuperes solo, no se cual sea la probabilidad pero existe. Otros llevamos más de 7 años cargando con esta cruz, y no es nada fácil, pero hay que intentarlo. Quizás algún día publiquen el estudio de Baylor y nos aproxime eso a una cura, o nos de vía libre a saltar de un puente, quien sabe. Por lo pronto deberias armarte de paciencia y buscar la tranquilidad en la soledad, o en la compañía de amigos. Si la cosa se vuelve demasiado difícil, están los antidepresivos, que aunque es probable que empeoren algunos síntomas, por lo menos la euforia de la dopamina evita que cometas alguna locura. Un abrazo y si en algún momento necesitas hablar, puedes contar conmigo.



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